Social media feeds
What thoughts are worming their way through my brain? Well, there's no telling. But if it's interesting to me, there's a good chance it will appear on one or more of my social media feeds.
• Facebook (No Russians were involved with the creation of this site.)
• Instagram (My pictures are only worth 100 words.)
• LinkedIn (It turns out I'm six connections separated from Kevin Bacon.)
• Twitter (My character in 280 characters.)
• Pinterest (No cupcake recipes. No hairstyles. Just guy stuff.)
• (More of the same about me, but I'm OK with that.)
• Goodreads (iNow read these on my iPad.)
Blah blah blogs
The first time I heard the word "blog" I had no idea what it was. A blue dog, maybe. Then I realized it was a place to write stories, and I was all about being a blogger. I like writing stories, and here was my opportunity, non-vetted, open and free. No bloody editors, no limits on length, no subject restrictions. It was perfect, because I truly believe that everybody's entitled to my opinion. Here was my venue to voice it. Or venues. Most people have a blog; I have four. Five if you count my efforts at Xavier. I can't help myself.
Waffles At 10,000 Feet: A look at my voyages to Jackson Hole and my quest to eat at Corbet's Cabin, a restaurant 10,000 feet atop Rendezvous Mountain that specializes in—you guessed it—waffles.
What I've Learned About Life: A list of 50-plus things I've learned (I hope) about life.
What I've Learned About Religion: A list of 50-plus things I've learned (I hope) about religion.
It Seems to Me: Stories about life, death, people, places, things, whatever it seems to me would be interesting to write about.
Letters From the Editor: A collection of online columns from my days as editor at Xavier University.