A short, simple, witty, wacky, bulleted, bolded bio
Husband, dad, brother, son, alpha dog, alpha cat, alpha beta fish • Word Nerd • Most comfortable in jeans and a sportscoat • Wing nut (Red Wings fan), lug nut (Nascar fan), nature nut, beer nut, book nut, car nut, but mostly just a nut • Writer, editor, reader, worker, player, dog walker, learner, jokster and theologian on the side • A music fan with absolutely no musical ability • Last man standing in my household • Sawer, sander, nailer, patcher, caulker, screwer, taper, holder-together-er of an old house • One lonely tattoo • Way too busy to get everything done I want to get done • Firm follower of the philosophy: "Eat right, get lots of sleep, drink plenty of fluids, go like hell." • Fan of travel; bigger fan of coming home • Beth and two girls. There's a lot of hormones flying around the house. Pray for me • I run in the mornings, before the sun comes up, when it's cool, a sense of optimism permeates the air and no one can see me panting for just one more blessed molecule of oxygen. • Nascar then hockey, Bob Seger then Steve Winwood, Mark Twain then it’s wide open • Casablanca, Paul Newman, Northern Exposure • Polo shirts in the summer, crew-neck sweaters in the winter, long-sleeved T-shirts any other time • Jackson Hole, Wyoming • Chocolate-covered strawberries, banana pancakes, pineapple pizza • A four-door Toyota Tacoma pickup. Because I have a very old house, and I spend a third of my life and half my money at Lowe’s. • First Watch for breakfast, Cobblestone Cafe for lunch, Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner • Guinness Blonde Lager, ice cream, anything and everything chocolate • Frequently rushed, often confused, definitely blessed, hopelessly unhip, annoyingly neat, rarely late, lightly starched, usually tired.
My Other Passions

I'm not a redneck. I don't run moonshine. I don't dip or chew or date women who do. So I'm not your typical Nascar fan. I just like auto racing. I like the speed, the competitiveness, the strategy, the personalities. Nascar feeds my fix. I especially like it when Chase Elliott wins. Or Kyle Busch wrecks. Either way.

A few years ago, I earned my Master's in theology. These days, a theology degree and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. So why pursue it? Personal growth. An interest in the subject. (All of the world's conflicts are religious based.) And it changed my worldview. Check out my blog on "What I've Learned About Religion."

The first time I stepped off the plane in Jackson Hole I knew I was where I was supposed to be. It was a transformative moment. It instantly became
my happy place—the place where life is good. I still follow what's going on there. Check out the blog I wrote about my travels there: "Waffles at 10,000 feet."